


欧文康考迪亚大学, a comprehensive Lutheran Christian university guided by Christ’s Great Commission, 开发智慧, 可敬的, 培养公民为社会和教会服务.-康考迪亚大学的使命宣言.

Our mission statement states that we are guided by the Great Commission of Christ Jesus. Since the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) includes teaching everything Christ has commanded, 我们明白这包括了圣经的全部教导. 圣经是我们神学的来源. We believe that the Lutheran Confessions are drawn from Scripture and provide a faithful exposition of Biblical truth. 这些资料是对我们信仰的权威说明. 这句话是对这种圣经信仰的简要概括.


We believe, teach, and confess historic, biblical Christianity, applying it in a modern world. 早期教会相信并宣扬圣经的信仰. 在宗教改革时期,它被信徒们承认并表达出来. 时至今日,这仍然是一个持续的、至关重要的忏悔.

我们相信所有的基督徒都是一个真正的教会的一部分. We rejoice in the common teachings that unite all believers in the truth of God’s Word even as we recognize the existence and seriousness of differences that remain in various Christian groups and denominations.


We believe that the central and most essential teaching of Christianity is the doctrine of justification. Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, became incarnate as a true human being. 以他圣洁的生命起誓, 无辜的痛苦,死亡和肉体的复活, 他使世人与上帝和解. We believe that all who receive Him receive the benefits that He has won for us by His work: namely the forgiveness of sins, 生活, 和救赎. 我们信称义,是本乎恩,单因信基督耶稣, 与人的行为或功德无关(以弗所书2:8-10).


We believe that Jesus Christ, along with the 圣经s, reveals the nature of God to us. We believe that there is only one God in three coeternal and coequal persons; the Father, 儿子, 和圣灵(马太福音28:19).


We believe that the Bible is inspired by God and is the only infallible source of doctrine, 生活, 和实践(提摩太后书3:15-17). 我们相信神的话语启示了他圣洁的律法,不是为了我们可以拯救自己, 乃是叫我们看出我们在耶稣基督里得救的必要性. We believe that God’s Word also reveals His Gospel – the good news that we are forgiven for Christ’s sake.


我们相信上帝创造了人类, 男性和女性, 以他的形象(创世记1:26),男人和女人是为彼此而生的. We furthermore confess that God has established marriage as an institution between one man and one woman exclusively (Mark 10:6-9). 我们也相信所有的人类, 除了耶稣基督, 陷入不能自拔的罪中. 所有民族、种族和男女都在这些真理中团结一致. 同样地,我们相信耶稣基督已经成为所有人的救主. The Gospel allows us to make no distinction in the value or significance of any person. “没有区别, 因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀, 并因他的恩典白白称义”(罗马书3:22-24)。.

我们相信基督徒在今生经历重叠的实相. 作为神救赎的儿女,我们在基督的义中站在他面前. 因着基督,我们现在成了圣洁公义的人. 同时, by our own acts and nature, we are sinners in constant need of His grace. 在今生,我们每天都以圣徒和罪人的身份生活(罗马书7:14-25)。.


We believe that God has promised to bless us as we use the means of grace in faith and according to His institution. 我们相信福音是神拯救的大能, (Romans 1:17) that Baptism gives us His forgiveness and incorporates us into His family (Romans 6:3-8), and that He feeds us with Christ’s body and blood for our forgiveness in the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26-28).


We believe that the Christian 生活 is a 生活 of faith and a response of thanksgiving and gratitude to God. 神的孩子寻求在信心和服务他人上成长. 然而,基督教不是行为的问题,而是信仰的问题. 这种信念导致了行为的改变,但并不是由这种反应来定义的.


We believe that Christ has commissioned His people to make disciples of all nations. We believe that all Christians are called to share their faith with others (Matthew 28:18-20).


我们相信上帝赋予人天赋和能力. Any occupation or interest that is not opposed to God’s Word can be an act of service to Him. 当神呼召一些人在教会里担任职分的时候, we believe that God is also pleased when His people live out other vocations to His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).



这一信仰在康考迪亚大学被宣告并付诸实践. Full-time faculty share this confession and have declared their agreement with it. Our staff and adjunct faculty promise that their work will be done in a manner that is consistent with this faith. 教职员工和学生来自不同的神学传统. They may share in this confession or continue in their own profession of faith as we live and work together.


在我们与学生和同事的互动中, we seek to apply this biblical faith along with our academic and professional disciplines. 以各种方式, 我们的校园社区遇到神的话语(例如, 在教堂, 圣经, 个人的相互作用, 在校园牧师的事工中). We believe that the Holy Spirit works through the Gospel to transform the hearts and lives of all who hear and believe its message.


我们相信圣灵借着福音使信心动工. 我们认为,这种对信仰的回应不能被强迫或立法. Students are introduced to the content and application of this faith and are invited to hear and respond to the Gospel, 但是对学生的信仰回应并不是必须的. 所有人都应该受到尊重和尊严.


We maintain that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in a variety of academic fields is a valid Christian vocation. It is legitimate for Christians to study and teach subjects that are not directly concerned with the 圣经s.

We maintain that serving God in the various vocations that He has given us means that we will strive for excellence in all that we do.

我们认为人类的知识是有限的,而上帝的知识是无限的. 这可能会给我们的理解带来挑战和矛盾. 尤其是在这种时候, Christian scholars rely on the Word of God even as they work to understand their discipline.

我们认为,探索和学习观点是合法的, 问题, 以及一些不符合圣经,甚至与圣经信仰对立的表达. 如果我们想要了解这个世界,这种探索是必要的, 拓展我们的知识, 了解我们自己的处境. We believe that Christians should understand various viewpoints as they really are and not distort them. 同时, we believe that Christians should articulate a response to challenges to the Gospel.


We believe that Christians are subject to God’s Word and also to secular authority. 在此基础上, we maintain that our relationships on and off-campus may be guided by the Scriptures in some situations (for example, 在教堂, 学习圣经, or spiritual counsel) and by laws and regulations in other relationships (for example, (宿舍里关于饮酒的规定或政策). 因为我们是一个人类共同体, we maintain that rules and regulations of conduct are necessary for harmonious and orderly living together. 这些规则虽然是必要的,但不能等同于福音. 遵守规则并不是一个人是基督徒的标志. 相反,这些规则是上帝对我们世界秩序的愿望的应用.


We believe that God calls His redeemed children to lives of love and service towards others. 我们认为,当我们在生活的各个方面使用我们的天赋和能力时, 我们完成了他对我们的呼召,成为世界的光.

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